George Floyd and jumping on the BLM trend

I don't think there's anything that I need to say about the video of George Floyd's murder that hasn't already been said. The footage showing Floyd being slowly murdered by apathetic police officers is horrifying and I see no way that anyone could see that video and then reasonably defend the actions of the police officers. Anyone reading this post now should be fully aware that I'm not alone; large protests have erupted across the world in spite of the pandemic, and a firestorm has started over social media; wherever you look online now you're bound to find millions of people showing their solidarity for George Floyd. Now, my own reaction to this has changed overtime. At first I was worried that this whole situation was just going to turn into another case of temporary outrage. Everyone will go ahead and publicly post their outrage on social media before returning to business as usual a few days later and forgetting about the whole thing. However, I believe th...